Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Herring bone braid

This braid has recently become a favorite because it doesn't fray like a regular low braid does. I have layers and the little ends start to poke out after an hour. But with this one they stay put even of I braid it while it's dry. I also find it easier to do this braid over my shoulder because my arms get waaaay tooooo tired when I try to braid it down my back.

Here we go:

Separate hair into 2 sections.

Take a small section of hair on the far side of the right hand piece and cross it over to the left hand section.

Take a small piece of hair from the left hand section and cross it to the right hand section.

Keep braiding all the way down this way. Keep the pieces small that you're crossing over or it will look like a regular braid.

Once you get to the bottom secure it with a tie. I move the tie down towards the ends about 1/4 of an inch further after I secure it.

I then move up the braid lightly pulling it "open" to loosen it up.


The pictures were posted in the wrong order so please forgive my iPod. I will correct them from a computer tonight. Also the two photos of the small pieces crossing over aren't very explanatory and need to be retaken. Which will also be done tonight.
Pull hair over shoulder
Separate hair into 2 sections
Take a small piece from one section and cross it over to the other.

Take a small piece from the other side and cross it over. (it's ok if it's loose)
As you continue down it may still look like a regular braid, but keep going, just remember to keep the pieces you've moving across small.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Stuffed chicken breast

Thanks to Pinterst I came across this recipe from Kayotic Kitchen. She called it Kaytucky Chicken. Very Cute name. I couldn't help but try it. Schuyler loved this recipe, and I ended up with his full permission to try any kind of recipe I found on Pinterest.

I will give you the Becky version of this recipe. I took her basics and made them my own.

Cream Cheese: 8oz
Sour Cream: 4oz
Bacon: 1 package
Puff pastries: (one 1/2 of a sheet for each chicken breast) (a box of 4 should be sufficient) 
Chicken Breast: 6 medium sized breasts
Salt: to taste
Pepper: to taste
eggs: 2

I fried up the bacon and preheated the oven to 400 Degrees F.
In a large bowl I started mixing the cream cheese and sour cream together (like I do for my Cheese Ball).
I realized I hadn't bought any onions or parsley for color, so I had to do without.
I cut up the bacon into pieces and added it to the mixture.
I took the beautiful chicken and cut a slit into the middle, but did not cut all the way through.
I spooned the filling mixture into the slits.
I lightly salted and peppered chicken.
I took my thawed pastry puff and worked them out so they would cover the breast.
I beat the eggs and spread them onto the pastry edges (it works like glue).
I wrapped the pastry around the chicken breasts being sure to use the egg on the edges.
I put them onto a cookie sheet covered in Tin-Foil that was sprayed with Pam.
The little bundles then went into the overn for 30 mins.
Be sure they are lightly brown on top it will be a good indicator they have cooked the right amount of time.
Once they were out of the oven I let them rest for 5 mins to cool down a bit.
We cut into them and found they were perfectly moist.
So easy and simple!
I loved it and I hope you will too.

If you would like to check out the recipe I used as my inspiration it can be found here.
Once you've tried it yourself let me know what you think!

NOTE: I'd like to thank Kayotic Kitchen for the inspiration. :)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Braided knot updo

I love this updo. It's elegant and holds all day without hairspray (a huge plus in my book).

I've found this works best when my hair is still damp.

French braid hair into 2 braids. Braid as low as you can. Secure both with hair ties.

Tie braids into a knot at the base of your head. (In my case my hair was too long for one knot and I had to do 2).

Tuck the ends under the knot and bobby pin into place. (I have corkscrew pins that I use. They prevent me from putting too many bobby pins in)

Here are 3 different pics in different lights (because I know my iPod camera isn't the best)

Glitter pumpkins

What you will find below is from my life blog. I wanted to post about my first crafting attempt and the rest I'm going to try. So please enjoy. If you like any of these ideas please feel free to write about them and mention me but please dont cut and paste. ~Enjoy!~

Every year at this time in the season I feel myself starting to get antsy. The summer is gone and the outdoor fun has slowed down because of the rain. I start looking through catalogues for places like Ballard Design or Home and Garden. I get excited when I see things I can make. So this year while organizing my own small craft supplies I couldn't help but be moved to action.

I got hooked on the Craftgawker app for my iPod Touch. Then a dear friend introduced me to Pinterest. (If you are not on the site let me know and I'll send you an invitation.) Between these two apps I've been completely awe struck and in a daydream. Every spare moment I find I am stealing away to to sneak a coveted peek at any new posts/pins.

I decided that for my birthday this year I would go small (in decorating) and try only one craft. Being a nanny and a house keeper and an office assistant really has me with limited time. Besides the time constraint I have found that I try to live the majority of my life by the KISS principle. Keep It Simple Stupid. My first craft excursion in a while needed to be small and simple.

I was completely enthralled when I saw all the ideas for pumpkin decorating that didn't involve being elbow deep in goo and seeds. I bought 4 of the cutest pumpkins that were softball size. I snagged some wax paper and covered the counter at Aunt Carolyn's. I carefully placed the glorious pumpkins in a row. My Elmer's glue stick in hand I hesitantly started the project. After 30 mins of glue and glitter I had 4 festive glitter pumpkins. They were even more fantastic than I had imagined! Carolyn was as excited as i was. She asked me to put them in a gold bowl of her's and place them on display in the middle of the mantel. They are perfect for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas decorations (ok so Christmas may be pushing it but I adore them).

They were the start to a wonderful fall and winter season. I can't wait to show you all of the other wonderfully easy treasures I've found and have personally tried.